little lambs
September 16, 2009
A favorite from a summer time shoot on 8th street beach. Maryellen Lamb asked me to photograph her little darlings...i miss summer.
cpc designs fall line
September 15, 2009
Caroline, Gabby and Carry have done it again. Their sweet, simple, personal designs were such a hit that a fall and holiday line was a must. I shot a preview over the weekend at Gaby's beautiful new Wayne home (can you say house envy?) Visit their website and fall in love.
tada shop

I am so excited to be featured on one of my favorite blogs this week. Tada Shop is written by two young mommies offering wonderful ideas for kids gear. They are in the process of launching an online shopping destination. If their site is half as good as their blog I am sure it will be a huge success. Here is the link to my interview on holiday cards.
my how they've grown
September 7, 2009
My sweet babies...growing every day. 8th street...August 2009...a great three weeks.