Orange Crush
January 24, 2010

What a fast week it has been! It is hard to believe that I am entering my third week and have kept up with the posts. I have been having such a wonderful time and I am so grateful to all of my friends for being so receptive to this idea. I feel so lucky to have a long list of inspiring subjects.
This week I bring to you Cynthia Nemo. For sometime now Cynthia's house has been the topic of many conversations and recently on a kitchen tour. I knew it would be perfect to share and as soon as I stepped foot inside I had plenty to photograph. Beech Road is a clever mix of whimsy and modern sophistication. Enjoy!


Someone stop me please because I really like to talk about myself so hope I don't get carried away with the BIO. I was born and BREAD (just kidding) in Devon, Pennsylvania...home of the Devon Horseshow which is one of my all time favorite events...such good times there as a child and now with my children. I am the youngest of five children, steps included. I believe that birth order really does have a lot to do with your personality and I feel like I am a typical "youngest child". I love my siblings but we are certainly not a perfect family - we don't have dinner together every Sunday night...but I wish we were the kind of family that did. Maybe one day. I love my parents and I have three of them. My stepfather Craig came into my life at the age of four and I am thankful for him everyday. My mom and I are very close and I just love her. I really understand her. My dad and I have a strange relationship since I didn't grow up living with him but it works and we are close. Good thing he doesn't have a computer. I met my best friend Carrie when I was four - she lived up the street - and my memories with her as a child are my happiest. I went to Strafford Elementary and then Agnes Irwin starting in the 4th grade. I loved Agnes Irwin and my dearest friends are from there. Then I went to Davidson College in North Carolina and loved that as well. It was a very Southern School and somehow I managed to meet and have as my best friends people from Miami, California and Ohio and a boyfriend from New Jersey. Some Southern Belle I turned out to be! After college I lived in Atlanta for a few years and went to Interior Design school there. Then I moved to New York and realized I was a true Yankee! I loved every minute of New York...the people, the subway, the cab drivers, rushing around...all of it!! My first job was with MAC II, a high-end residential design firm. That was a great experience. My second job was with Rockwell Group and that was the most inspiring environment where I met the most interesting and creative people. My Rockwell Group girlfriends have inspired me to travel literally across the world so I am very thankful for them! Gosh - is the music playing yet?? I'll speed it up. Then I met Jon at Vanessa and Sam Halpert's engagement party and he rocked my world! I fell crazy in love with him and have been ever since. Right after we got married I started my own design firm in August 2001...with one client. Her one-bedroom apartment is one of my favorite projects because she completely trusted me and she was up for anything. I practically paid her! I painted the entrance turquoise and I hung orange fishnets to separate the cookie-cutter space. I am thankful that I have had jobs ever since with all sorts of people having all sorts of styles. But the best and most inspiring part of my life is my three orange-headed boys - Brooks (6), Alex (3) and Nicky (2). They challenge me everyday - good and bad - but I love them like no other love. All the moms know what I am talking about!! And I can't forget our dog Skippy (8). She is a LOVE!!

Please tell us the reason behind your love for the color orange.

In design school I took a color theory class and I remember learning about the color orange. I was taught that orange was a color used to help low income people feel comfortable and that is why Howard Johnson Hotels were orange. Now I may have been taught something else about orange but that is all that I remember! Ever since I have been drawn to the color orange - guess it is the comfort level concept. Orange makes me happy! Our wedding was orange and pink. Our dog Skippy, a vizsla, is orange. Our three boys have orange hair (and they will tell you that it isn't red). My toenail polish is orange. If I had real balls I would buy that cheesy orange mustang convertible I see cruising around town!

Are you super organized? Your house is immaculate and you have THREE boys.

I have always been a really organized person even as a little girl. Being organized makes me feel at peace. So having three boys has definitely ruptured that peacefulness. I struggle with the organizational thing because I certainly don't want to be Mommy dearest but I catch myself heading that way sometimes. Did I mention that my hangers are orange too? In my house everything has a "place", in a basket or clear bin or drawer; there is definitely some OCD going on here. Jon is neat and tidy too. Was there a Daddy dearest?

Speaking of boys, do you feel as if you were meant to be surrounded by them?

When I had my third boy and everyone was giving me the sad eyes because pink was dear friend Peter said, "I wouldn’t picture your life any other way!"And he is right. I love boys and always have. I love my two older brothers and had crushes on ALL of their friends. I went to an all girls school but somehow managed to spend most of my time at the all boys school. Most of my closest friends in high school were from that all boys school and I remain close with them today. Now my husband is friends with them. And now I have three boys! My personality works well with them. We do some quiet things like drawing and reading. But they love to be out moving around and I can handle that. We go to the playground A LOT. We run around the yard, play in the stream, play ball, hide and seek, ride bikes, etc. You could say I was and still am BOY CRAZY...except that my meaning of BOY CRAZY has changed!!

You are a great inspiration to a lot of people, what inspires you?

People, places and things inspire me! All of the people that I love inspire me every day to be a better person, a better friend, a better mom and wife, a better designer. I am attracted to people that lift me up not people that drag me down -I will not hang out with downers (unless I have too!!)! My Aunt Joan has always been a huge inspiration to me. She is a photographer and lives an amazing life filled with exotic friends and travels yet family is also so important to her. I have learned so much from her and admire her courage. When I become impatient with my boys I am inspired at the memory of my mom's overwhelming patience with us as children - I don’t ever remember her yelling or being mean. And everyday I am inspired by Jon and his kindness and honesty and his ability to calm me down if I am getting worked up. He will fall off of his chair when he reads this and I may regret writing these words...but Jon is extremely patient at the times when it matters most and that inspires me.

Places inspire me and if ever I am in a funk I can go away and that funk will go away too! A change of venue can be the biggest inspiration out there. New York is a quick and easy fix. But Thailand was my most inspirational trip. I was there with my Rockwell Group friends and loved every part of that trip.

Things inspire me!! Shopping...especially in New York...just walking around on the streets. Around here I love to go to Anthropologie and see the funky things that they come up with. Last time I was there I noticed they spray painted a bunch of those plastic animal figures white (Schleich). They took on a whole new meaning for me. I want to spray paint all the boys' toys white and put them on a shelf in the Living Room and they would look so cool. Buzz Lightyear in ALL WHITE...or how about ALL ORANGE??

You mentioned you are a collector. What are your favorite collections?

I have an obsession with pens (thanks for the reminder Rachel)! And I cringe when the boys want to play with my pens - AHHH...mommy dearest!! I especially freak when they get near the Sharpies. I collect those funny little wooden figures that collapse when you push their bottoms. I act like I am collecting them for the boys but really it is my own love...same with the PEZ dispensers. The boys don't even like PEZ but I still manage to buy them every time I go to Wawa. I have a small collection of dice -love them!! I have some really cool sterling silver dice that I gave to Jon (again, for Jon but really for me). As for adult collections - I love books and I do judge a book by its cover.

What's your idea of a fun girls night?

To have the guys come too...

Are you content living in Philadelphia? Do you ever wish you lived somewhere else? Back in NY for instance?

I loved NYC so much but with three boys it would not be the ideal living spot. For our life now and for our family I think Philadelphia is the perfect place. I loved growing up here and I know our boys will too. Being near family is so important and I love that our boys are so close to their grandparents (both here and in Ohio). We love our friends here...such a fun and wild bunch of people! Just waiting for the key parties to start? But I cringe when people say, "You are living in your FOREVER house." I don't want to think of any house as forever because one day I hope to live somewhere else...somewhere different.

Greatest gift you ever received?

My wedding ring from Jon and all the promises that came with it. And the artwork that Brooks makes for me everyday.

Has the music started yet?

posted by Rachel McGinn at  |  1 comments


Hi! Darling post!

What is the name of the wallpaper with the starbursts and polkadots? Who makes it? Thanks!

By Blogger Liz Banfield, at February 8, 2010 at 4:55 PM  

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